


Problem 1227 status
Accepted 11
Presentation Error 0
Wrong Answer 15
Time Limit Exceeded 22
Memory Limit Exceeded 0
Output Limit Exceeded 0
Runtime Error 4
Compile Error 3
Restricted Function 4
System Error 0
Total 59
User Solved 5
User Tried 7
RunID User Language Time Memory Length SubmitTime
40144 iupxq6uv C++ 0ms 632kb 2042 2011-05-22 14:06:18
40409 brother_yan C++ 0ms 416kb 2214 2011-05-26 17:50:46
40401 brother_yan C++ 0ms 412kb 2222 2011-05-26 17:38:26
40367 brother_yan C++ 0ms 420kb 2255 2011-05-25 15:02:25
40418 AL C++ 0ms 420kb 2267 2011-05-26 19:25:05
40451 AL C++ 0ms 412kb 2332 2011-05-27 11:04:55
40199 84u02n6x C++ 0ms 456kb 2908 2011-05-22 14:43:55
40414 brother_yan C++ 0ms 632kb 2956 2011-05-26 19:02:05
40183 37fkiuui C++ 0ms 420kb 3205 2011-05-22 14:34:27
40429 brother_yan C++ 0ms 612kb 3876 2011-05-27 09:17:12
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
Processed in 3.0ms with 2 query(s).