


Problem 1265
Factorial Problem
Time Limit: 3000ms
Memory Limit: 65536kb
Now, you are given three positive A, B, C, your task is to compute the first B digits and the last C digits of the factorial of A.
For example A=5, B=2, C=1. Then A! =120, so you should output 12 0 separated by one blank.
The first line, an integer T, representing T test cases below. (T<=200).
Each test case contains three integers: A (1<=A<=10^8), B (1<=B<=50) and C (1<=C<=100).
Notice: No illegal case is permitted. For example, the condition A=4, B=10, C=10 is not permitted in the input data.
For each case, output the first B digits and the last C digits of the factorial of A separated by one blank.
Sample Input
5 2 1
8 2 2
Sample Output
12 0
40 20
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
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