


Problem 1317
Part Elf
Time Limit: 1000ms
Memory Limit: 65536kb
Vida says she's part Elf: that at least one of her ancestors was an Elf. But she doesn't know if it was a parent (1 generation ago), a grandparent (2 generations ago), or someone from even more generations ago. Help her out!

Being part Elf works the way you probably expect. People who are Elves, Humans and part-Elves are all created in the same way: two parents get together and have a baby. If one parent is A/B Elf, and the other parent is C/D Elf, then their baby will be (A/B + C/D) / 2 Elf. For example, if someone who is 0/1 Elf and someone who is 1/2 Elf have a baby, that baby will be 1/4 Elf.

Vida is certain about one thing: 40 generations ago, she had 240 different ancestors, and each one of them was 1/1 Elf or 0/1 Elf.

Vida says she's P/Q Elf. Tell her what is the minimum number of generations ago that there could have been a 1/1 Elf in her family. If it is not possible for her to be P/Q Elf, tell her that she must be wrong!
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T lines follow. Each contains a fraction of the form P/Q, where P and Q are integers.
For each test case, output one line containing "Case #x: y", where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is the minimum number of generations ago a 1/1 Elf in her family could have been if she is P/Q Elf. If it's impossible that Vida could be P/Q Elf, y should be the string "impossible" (without the quotes).
Sample Input
Sample Output
Case #1: 1
Case #2: 1
Case #3: 2
Case #4: impossible
Case #5: 8
Explanation of sample cases

In the first sample case, Vida could have a 1/1 Elf parent and a 0/1 Elf parent. That means she could have had a 1/1 Elf one generation ago, so the answer is 1.

In the second sample case, Vida could have had a 1/1 Elf parent and a 1/2 Elf parent. That means she could have had a 1/1 Elf one generation ago, so the answer is 1.

In the third sample case, Vida could have had a 0/1 Elf parent and a 1/2 Elf parent. The 1/2 Elf parent could have had a 1/1 Elf parent and a 0/1 Elf parent. That means she could have had a 1/1 Elf two generations ago, so the answer is 2.

In the fourth sample case, it's impossible to be exactly 2/23 Elf if your ancestors 40 generations ago were all 0/1 Elf or 1/1 Elf.
Google Code Jam Round 1C 2014
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
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