


Problem 1121 status
Accepted 618
Presentation Error 0
Wrong Answer 596
Time Limit Exceeded 24
Memory Limit Exceeded 1
Output Limit Exceeded 0
Runtime Error 156
Compile Error 252
Restricted Function 16
System Error 0
Total 1663
User Solved 547
User Tried 600
RunID User Language Time Memory Length SubmitTime
20287 team258 C 0ms 496kb 1121 2009-09-06 15:50:53
11620 team123 C++ 0ms 500kb 813 2009-09-06 12:29:16
16565 team473 C++ 0ms 500kb 1077 2009-09-06 14:16:33
17711 team244 C++ 0ms 500kb 1223 2009-09-06 14:43:22
22285 team134 C++ 0ms 520kb 1164 2009-09-06 16:38:33
13228 team214 C++ 0ms 560kb 616 2009-09-06 13:02:16
13321 team202 C++ 0ms 564kb 616 2009-09-06 13:04:14
15471 team043 C++ 0ms 564kb 879 2009-09-06 13:50:43
15933 team328 C++ 0ms 568kb 622 2009-09-06 14:01:31
13790 team097 C++ 0ms 568kb 680 2009-09-06 13:13:14
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
Processed in 5.1ms with 2 query(s).