


Problem 1299 status
Accepted 34
Presentation Error 0
Wrong Answer 65
Time Limit Exceeded 2
Memory Limit Exceeded 0
Output Limit Exceeded 0
Runtime Error 0
Compile Error 4
Restricted Function 1
System Error 0
Total 106
User Solved 19
User Tried 24
RunID User Language Time Memory Length SubmitTime
80169 windsfantasy6 C++ 52ms 400kb 2448 2013-07-10 14:37:48
80170 windsfantasy6 C++ 52ms 400kb 2449 2013-07-10 14:38:09
80171 windsfantasy6 C++ 52ms 400kb 2450 2013-07-10 14:38:29
80173 windsfantasy6 C++ 52ms 400kb 2452 2013-07-10 14:39:20
80178 windsfantasy6 C++ 52ms 404kb 2443 2013-07-10 14:40:55
80181 windsfantasy6 C++ 52ms 404kb 2446 2013-07-10 14:41:56
54472 SA10010044 C++ 56ms 568kb 1936 2012-04-14 14:10:27
54674 dut200901102 C++ 56ms 612kb 1489 2012-04-14 15:59:22
54808 LuckyBug C++ 56ms 620kb 1700 2012-04-14 19:09:05
54496 LuckyBug C++ 56ms 624kb 1498 2012-04-14 14:27:09
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
Processed in 2.6ms with 2 query(s).