Sloved ID Problem Name Ratio(AC/Submited)
1310 Doubles 120/336
1311 Sum 153/429
1312 Reordering Train Cars 5/44
1313 Quicksum 107/207
1314 A Contesting Decision 73/242
1315 Dirichlet's Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions 93/215
1316 The Circumference of the Circle 75/167
1317 Part Elf 19/185
1318 Ride to School 69/199
1319 Gold Coins 83/149
1320 The 3n + 1 problem 98/357
1321 Pascal Library 99/195
1322 What's Cryptanalysis? 66/165
1323 The Repeater 9/57
1324 Zipper 209/970
1325 Anagram Groups 36/226
1326 English-Number Transkator 67/302
1327 Message Decowding 72/171
1328 Product 62/367
1329 Integer Inquiry 69/235
1331 Fibonacci Numbers 83/206
1332 Childrens Game 56/153
1333 DNA Sorting 76/179
1334 Exact Sum 65/210
1335 Tell me the frequencies! 58/242
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
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