


Rank User Nickname Ratio Solved/Total
1390 wjwjw 王键尉 22.2% 4/18
1390 cyj0912 22.2% 4/18
1403 BUAA_moonster moonster 21.1% 4/19
1403 yefllower LazyWorm 21.1% 4/19
1403 maoyx Eric 21.1% 4/19
1403 yiyi 21.1% 4/19
1403 team298 21.1% 4/19
1403 team678 21.1% 4/19
1403 team182 21.1% 4/19
1403 liuyanhua liuyanhua 21.1% 4/19
1403 lzs lzs 21.1% 4/19
1412 team056 20.0% 4/20
1412 team715 20.0% 4/20
1412 Sidneyliang 20.0% 4/20
1412 hsb 20.0% 4/20
1412 Sunrise 20.0% 4/20
1412 fycisc >_< 20.0% 4/20
1418 we1559 19.0% 4/21
1418 seen seen 19.0% 4/21
1418 skeUGWK4 19.0% 4/21
1418 yylao 19.0% 4/21
1418 icadman icadman 19.0% 4/21
1418 team033 19.0% 4/21
1418 team585 19.0% 4/21
1418 tom31203120 littletom 19.0% 4/21
1418 adno1 19.0% 4/21
1418 chenzeyu Czy 19.0% 4/21
1428 team484 18.2% 4/22
1428 team624 18.2% 4/22
1428 team651 18.2% 4/22
1428 yangjialin 杨小狼 18.2% 4/22
1428 word1000 tomas 18.2% 4/22
1428 stois sprites 18.2% 4/22
1428 lionking 18.2% 4/22
1428 TryMyBest 18.2% 4/22
1428 2difficult4me 18.2% 4/22
1428 hnust_taoshiqian hnust_taoshiqian 18.2% 4/22
1428 Zhuhe Yuzh 18.2% 4/22
1439 cxmhustc 程光曦微 17.4% 4/23
1439 201813020117 17.4% 4/23
1439 team244 17.4% 4/23
1439 team571 17.4% 4/23
1439 team394 17.4% 4/23
1439 team119 17.4% 4/23
1439 nenu_moonlight nenu_moonlight 17.4% 4/23
1439 AutoAC AutoAC 17.4% 4/23
1447 team677 16.7% 4/24
1447 knjml Michael 16.7% 4/24
1447 ssjian 山水间 16.7% 4/24
1447 hyk313 16.7% 4/24
1447 Nightingalelyy Nightingalelyy 16.7% 4/24
1452 Miles 16.0% 4/25
1452 team087 16.0% 4/25
1452 team037 16.0% 4/25
1452 netfox001 16.0% 4/25
1452 ccnuteam08 ccnuteam 16.0% 4/25
1452 sketchup 16.0% 4/25
1452 DUTtry DUTtry 16.0% 4/25
1452 XLk mike 16.0% 4/25
1460 gamedata 15.4% 4/26
1460 chuxiaokai chuxiaokai 15.4% 4/26
1460 zcczcw zcczcw 15.4% 4/26
1460 20092373 德德 15.4% 4/26
1464 team458 14.8% 4/27
1464 team102 14.8% 4/27
1464 vinllen vinllen 14.8% 4/27
1464 Cindy Cindy 14.8% 4/27
1464 a4565219 cowfork 14.8% 4/27
1464 liujihui liujijhui 14.8% 4/27
1464 lara 14.8% 4/27
1471 ahzywq 14.3% 4/28
1471 team308 14.3% 4/28
1471 team607 14.3% 4/28
1474 team112 13.8% 4/29
1474 team531 13.8% 4/29
1474 team719 13.8% 4/29
1474 cxk cxk 13.8% 4/29
1474 tyr2013 13.8% 4/29
1479 team618 13.3% 4/30
1479 team714 13.3% 4/30
1481 huangkun 12.9% 4/31
1482 team326 12.5% 4/32
1482 team796 12.5% 4/32
1482 nuptxxp xxp 12.5% 4/32
1482 redsky redsky 12.5% 4/32
1482 blackwood_li 12.5% 4/32
1482 nicai 12.5% 4/32
1488 purplesday K神 12.1% 4/33
1488 FormalHHH FormalHHH 12.1% 4/33
1490 team289 11.8% 4/34
1491 administrator administrator 11.4% 4/35
1491 g87115 Programmer 11.4% 4/35
1493 team082 11.1% 4/36
1493 team247 11.1% 4/36
1495 zhejiangustc zhejiangustc 10.8% 4/37
1495 team356 10.8% 4/37
1495 zhengsx zhengsx 10.8% 4/37
1498 li8qi 东邦 10.5% 4/38
1499 team309 10.3% 4/39
1500 team597 10.0% 4/40
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
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