


Problem 1237 status
Accepted 9
Presentation Error 0
Wrong Answer 1
Time Limit Exceeded 4
Memory Limit Exceeded 0
Output Limit Exceeded 0
Runtime Error 0
Compile Error 2
Restricted Function 0
System Error 0
Total 16
User Solved 2
User Tried 3
RunID User Language Time Memory Length SubmitTime
41243 gamegame151 C++ 0ms 384kb 2005 2011-05-29 21:11:38
41475 brother_yan C++ 0ms 540kb 547 2011-06-02 10:36:04
41477 brother_yan C++ 0ms 540kb 990 2011-06-02 10:40:48
41476 brother_yan C++ 0ms 544kb 309 2011-06-02 10:38:03
41471 brother_yan C++ 0ms 544kb 603 2011-06-02 10:31:49
41473 brother_yan C++ 0ms 544kb 701 2011-06-02 10:34:31
41472 brother_yan C++ 0ms 552kb 692 2011-06-02 10:33:07
41240 gamegame151 C++ 0ms 1652kb 1753 2011-05-29 20:36:06
41474 brother_yan C++ 10ms 536kb 732 2011-06-02 10:35:10
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
Processed in 2.1ms with 2 query(s).