


Problem 1244 status
Accepted 10
Presentation Error 0
Wrong Answer 10
Time Limit Exceeded 6
Memory Limit Exceeded 0
Output Limit Exceeded 0
Runtime Error 0
Compile Error 5
Restricted Function 1
System Error 0
Total 32
User Solved 5
User Tried 10
RunID User Language Time Memory Length SubmitTime
86120 Ixia C++ 344ms 532kb 691 2014-03-08 17:03:59
42899 power721 C++ 250ms 524kb 695 2011-10-18 14:57:31
42900 power721 C++ 100ms 520kb 767 2011-10-18 14:59:16
42585 brother_yan C++ 300ms 736kb 1001 2011-09-13 15:58:50
42583 brother_yan C++ 300ms 708kb 1176 2011-09-13 15:58:00
42588 brother_yan C++ 310ms 708kb 1182 2011-09-13 16:01:35
42587 brother_yan C++ 330ms 828kb 1189 2011-09-13 16:01:18
42586 brother_yan C++ 700ms 688kb 1225 2011-09-13 16:00:38
48378 LuckyBug C++ 440ms 776kb 2121 2011-12-25 11:36:46
86044 lerence1201 C++ 240ms 752kb 2183 2014-02-28 22:07:08
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
Processed in 3.3ms with 2 query(s).