


Volume 2
Title: Source:
Status ID Title Ratio AC/Total
1100 Constellations 28.6% 18/63
1101 DNA repair 39.1% 18/46
1102 Kindergarten 40.0% 34/85
1103 Maximum repetition substring 20.0% 4/20
1104 Network 25.0% 7/28
1105 Rectangles 45.5% 10/22
1106 The Luckiest number 20.1% 28/139
1107 USTC campus network 41.5% 22/53
1108 Hardwood Species 29.7% 30/101
1109 Beer Refrigerator 22.2% 30/135
1110 Halloween holidays 35.7% 25/70
1111 Catenyms 23.4% 15/64
1112 Cranes 30.6% 22/72
1113 Largest Rectangle in a Histogram 29.2% 19/65
1114 FANGHUA Garden 75.5% 40/53
1115 Dominos 15.9% 36/226
1116 Arcade Game 27.1% 518/1912
1117 Bean Language 23.9% 509/2129
1118 Guarders 1.4% 15/1094
1119 Graph 15.9% 325/2045
1120 Greatest Common Increasing Subsequence 24.9% 636/2556
1121 Herbal Medicine on Diaoyu Islands 37.2% 618/1663
1122 Millionaire Rank List 20.7% 675/3265
1123 Two Hospitals 30.5% 512/1679
1124 Airport 19.0% 16/84
1125 Mersenne Prime 62.8% 54/86
1126 Bubble Breaker 21.4% 3/14
1127 Laser in Cuboids 44.7% 42/94
1128 Dominating Patterns 39.6% 67/169
1129 K-neighbor substrings 19.9% 36/181
1130 New Game 35.9% 37/103
1131 Chinese Paper Cutting 100.0% 1/1
1132 Post offices 10.2% 17/166
1133 Super squares 25.4% 35/138
1134 Seats taking-up 14.0% 66/470
1135 T-shirts show 26.4% 120/454
1136 Packing Biscuits 52.6% 10/19
1137 The Integer Problem 33.8% 102/302
1138 Help phunter's friend 7.4% 6/81
1139 Interval 27.8% 5/18
1140 Course arrangement 15.5% 75/485
1141 Recurrent sequence 22.9% 32/140
1150 Square Root 12.8% 84/658
1151 Shortest Subsequence 26.0% 88/338
1152 Draw a Circle to Curse You! 5.9% 3/51
1153 Packing chocolate 20.4% 10/49
1154 Weight loss plan 11.7% 16/137
1155 Crazy Biscuits 19.0% 64/337
1156 Academic Report in USTC 20.9% 56/268
1157 The World Of Dango 18.2% 16/88
1158 测试题目 35.3% 18/51
1161 Matrix 23.6% 29/123
1162 Formula of Love 18.2% 22/121
1163 Median 21.1% 52/246
1164 Wag and Java 76.5% 13/17
1165 Stack 19.1% 29/152
1166 OCD 27.9% 12/43
1167 Maze 36.1% 22/61
1168 Patterns and Pictures 80.0% 16/20
1170 时针夹角问题 31.7% 118/372
1171 小数2分数 31.2% 39/125
1172 进制转换 11.1% 21/189
1173 火星A+B 58.8% 30/51
1174 成绩统计 42.6% 52/122
1175 完全平方数 24.9% 88/353
1176 求和 44.7% 93/208
1177 字符串缩写 40.3% 64/159
1178 数列求和 28.8% 82/285
1179 最大值 60.4% 64/106
1180 零钱 46.9% 46/98
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
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