


Volume 1
Title: Source:
Status ID Title Ratio AC/Total
1016 Mapping the Route 0.0% 0/1
1019 Nonstop Travelt 0.0% 0/6
1020 Doing Windows 0.0% 0/3
1010 Bowl Problem 0.0% 0/37
1009 You Who? 0.0% 0/43
1031 Pattern Matching 0.0% 0/0
1022 Pizza Anyone? 0.0% 0/5
1068 Naive Matrix(这题最简单) 0.0% 0/26
1026 Horse Shoe Scoring 0.0% 0/2
1027 Stats 0.0% 0/1
1066 Number 0.0% 0/23
1067 Block 0.0% 0/6
1015 Scrabble 0.0% 0/0
1065 Ha 0.8% 1/126
1028 Jugs 1.0% 1/103
1030 Black Box 6.4% 6/94
1023 Don't Break The Nile 9.1% 2/22
1045 Streamline Management 10.6% 57/540
1062 Poor Mitsui 11.8% 2/17
1043 Jack's Cow Shed 11.9% 112/942
1012 Eight 12.9% 16/124
1044 A Puzzle of Two Cities 13.3% 135/1012
1040 The Best Team 15.0% 9/60
1004 Block world 15.3% 85/555
1032 Maximum Sum 15.8% 18/114
1029 Table 16.7% 1/6
1014 Ratio 17.9% 22/123
1042 ACM Hacker 19.6% 216/1103
1060 Brand New Game 21.4% 3/14
1002 Analyzing  algorithm 22.5% 555/2463
1001 Easy or not 22.7% 1244/5473
1038 Mary needs your help! 24.0% 41/171
1055 A+B问题(2) 24.6% 51/207
1046 A * B Problem 26.8% 686/2559
1018 Coconuts, Revisited 28.5% 57/200
1013 Gizilch 29.2% 21/72
1064 Poor Akagi 29.4% 10/34
1036 Long Sum 30.2% 160/529
1017 Is It A Tree? 30.3% 93/307
1041 Matrix Sum 30.6% 407/1330
1008 Word Amalgamation 31.6% 104/329
1059 六皇后问题 33.0% 192/581
1053 素数问题 33.1% 84/254
1057 Haircut 33.3% 1/3
1000 A + B Problem 34.3% 2744/8007
1024 Risk 34.6% 18/52
1011 Problem of Deck 34.8% 48/138
1054 斐波那契数列 35.6% 96/270
1005 Booklet Printing 36.4% 187/514
1003 Fibonacci Numbers 37.3% 728/1954
1061 Poor Hanamichi 38.1% 8/21
1033 Finding Rectangles 40.6% 13/32
1037 More than Fibonacci 40.7% 223/548
1025 Just the Facts 42.5% 105/247
1035 Standing Ovation 43.8% 7/16
1007 Do the Untwist 45.3% 125/276
1052 DNA配对问题 45.5% 90/198
1050 A+B问题 45.5% 111/244
1051 2的n次方问题 45.9% 111/242
1039 Slipshod Cook 50.0% 38/76
1006 Self Numbers 52.4% 350/668
1063 Poor Rukawa 55.6% 5/9
1021 Numerically Speaking 64.3% 18/28
1049 Ominous Omino 66.7% 2/3
1034 Just for fun! 68.0% 17/25
1047 Infinite House of Pancakes 100.0% 1/1
1048 Dijkstra 100.0% 1/1
1058 Logging 100.0% 1/1
1056 Mushroom Monster 100.0% 1/1
University of Science and Technology of China
Online Judge for ACM/ICPC
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